Estimate Your Costs to Attend UVA

We understand that your ability to pay for college is an extremely important factor in where you choose to go. For some, it's the most important factor. That's why we have several planning tools available to help you and your family to get a better sense for what your costs might be as well as how much financial aid you might qualify for.

Undergraduate Student Cost Estimator

The Cost Estimator allows you to customize your costs for a give year and for multiple years, all at the same time. You can use it to get a sense for what your costs might be if you were to live off-Grounds or not take a meal plan. And if you are just considering whether UVA may be right for you, you can estimate what four years might cost you and your family. The estimator is not a financial aid calculator. 

MyinTuition (the calculator for the 2024-2025 academic year is under construction)

MyinTuition is an easy-to-use tool to help you get a clearer sense of how much financial aid you might be eligible for and, therefore, how much of the costs for college you'll need to cover from other resources. The more certain you are of the information you put in to the calculator, the more reliable the results will be and the more they will be customized to your family's specific financial circumstances. 

Net Price Calculator (the calculator for the 2024-2025 academic year is under construction)

The Net Price Calculator, provided by the US Department of Education, is an alternative tool to help you get a sense for your costs. It asks more questions than MyinTuition, so we recommend starting with MyinTuition when you are trying to compare results between schools that meet 100% of demonstrated need. The Net Price Calculator may provide more useful results for comparison with schools that do not use MyinTuition.