Non-University Assistance

Federal regulations and University policies require us to review all financial resources you have to calculate how much aid you qualify for.

Non-University assistance includes all scholarships and grants given by agencies other than our office. They include University Alumni Association, Resident Advisor housing and/or dining assistance, ROTC scholarships, National Merit or National Achievement Scholarships, Tuition Benefits/Reimbursements, and any scholarships or grants given by churches, high schools, fraternities & sororities, corporations, professional or civic organizations.

You must tell us if they will receive any assistance in addition to what is on your offer letter. If you will receive outside scholarships, please complete the Outside Scholarships Self-Reporting Form, which is available on our Forms page under the link to the appropriate academic year.

In the event you receive additional assistance not listed on your offer letter, we may be required to reduce the amount of University funds you receive to remain compliant with federal and state regulations and University policies. If you receive Non-University assistance after your federal funds have been offered (such as AccessUVA grants, for example), your eligibility for aid will be recalculated. When your aid is reduced as a result of a recalculation, you will receive an email notification, and you will be able to compare the new version of the offer letter to previous ones to see the specific changes. Note that such changes do not reduce the amount of aid you receive, only the makeup and sources of the aid.