Choose the link for the appropriate academic year to the left to access the form(s) you are looking for.
All SFS forms are available in PDF or DocuSign format.
For DocuSign forms
Many of our documents are now available in DocuSign, and over time we will continue to convert pdf forms to an electronic submission format. DocuSign forms are simply submitted electronically and do not have to be printed out. Each DocuSign form will walk you through the required fields and signatures, and once it is submitted, it will automatically be routed to us.
For PDF files
You may download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website (version 5.0 or higher is recommended). Please note that all pdf forms must be signed by hand. Merely typing your name or using an electronic image of your signature will result in us rejecting the form and requiring resubmission on your part.
Documents uploaded through the Student Information System are encrypted in transfer and are kept in a secure system vetted by the University’s Information Security Office. Submitted documents can only be accessed via VPN by authorized personnel of Student Financial Services and the University. The information is used only for the purpose of needs analysis for financial aid eligibility and is not shared.