Student Financial Services is available for phone calls and walk-in service in Carruthers Hall from 10am - 12pm and 1 - 4pm, Monday through Friday.
How to Contact Us
Phone: (434) 982-6000 or (866) 391-0063
Email: [email protected]
Virtual Assistance: In the lower right corner of all our webpages is a place to ask questions to our virtual assistant (chatbot). The virtual assistant can answer basic factual questions, but it is not intended to answer student-specific detailed questions. For those we suggest you write or call us. Note this is a bot, not a live person (yet!).
Mailing Address (including to send scholarship checks/information):
Student Financial Services
P.O. Box 400204
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4204
Street Address:
1001 North Emmet Street (across from the Barracks Road Shopping Center)
- Before you call: Have the student ID available, and for callers who are not the student, it’s helpful if you are already an authorized user in the UVAPay system.
- Before you write: Be sure to provide identifying information about the student, especially if the name is common. Usually providing date of birth in the message for those with a common name will help us find the student's record. Also, please gather all relevant information to help you craft a useful message.
Our service commitment: We know your time is important to you. Our goal is always to answer your questions completely and to anticipate your likely follow-up questions to prevent you from having to contact us again about the same issue. The overwhelming majority of inquiries are resolved on the first contact. In all that we do, we strive to embody our service standards of empathy, competency, responsiveness, and transparency.