Monthly Payment Plan
The University of Virginia offers an interest-free monthly payment plan through our online payment system, UVAPay, to cover payments for the fall or spring terms. There is no payment plan option for January Term or Summer Session. This payment plan allows parents and/or students to make anywhere from 3 to 5 monthly payments per semester for tuition and fees, housing, and dining plans. Participation is optional and available to all students for a fee of $60 per semester.
Direct (Parent) PLUS Loan
Eligible parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance less any financial assistance. It is important to note that we cannot award the PLUS loan until the student has either accepted or declined any other awards that are part of their financial aid, and a student must have a completed FAFSA on file for the current aid year in order for us to process the PLUS loan. For more information on PLUS Loan rates and terms, please click the "Loans" link for the appropriate academic year from the left-hand menu.
Private Loan Programs
Many private lending institutions offer credit-based loan programs to parents of dependent students, or to dependent students with a creditworthy cosigner. Families should carefully consider the interest rates, loan fees, and terms of the program before making a selection.